Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chapter 8


Chapter 8

He walked out of the room and I turned to look at my journal, could this be? Could someone as wonderful as Alex like me? It doesn't seem possible but it is. I looked at the time, wow could it really be that late already? I stayed up until 12 waiting for Alex to get back, but he didn't show.

~~~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~

"Hey Hannah can you help me with the engine on the cycle?” Looked into the garage to find Aden working on the old beat up cycle he bought last week. “What do you need help on?” “I am not sure, I think something got jammed. Can you take a look?” “Sure.” He moved out of the way, and pointed to where he thought the problem was. I bent over and looked at the spot, “I see the problem here; and these two parts are jamming into each other. Hand me the screw driver. Here we go, try it now.” The engine revved up. “I don’t understand how you of all people could figure this out and not me.” “What is that suppose to mean?” “Well you are a girl.” “Yeah thanks for noticing.” “It is just—” ‘It is just girls can’t be as good as guys when it comes to machines right?” “Well yeah.” “You are so medieval.” “Why thank you.” he bowed to me, “Argh!” I turned towards the door and stormed out. Why does everyone here treat me like that? I walked into the computer lab and saw Alex. Well I guess not everyone, “Hey Alex what you working on?” he turned in his chair and smiled “Why don’t you take a look for yourself?” I looked at the screen and saw a figure with brown hair and some very familiar features, “Is that suppose to be me?” “Well does it look like you?” “I think so.” “Good, because it is.” He laughed. I had to admit it was really close to what I really looked like; it just was more manga looking. “This is really good.” “Well thank you.” “Anytime Alex, so where is everyone?” “Well Aden is in the garage but by telling by the look on your face when you walked in you already knew that. The rest of the guys are at a shop buying parts and more guns.” “Oh ok. Did they want us to do anything?” “No actually they wanted us to take a break, since we have been none stop since we got here.” “Yeah we have, well that was nice of them.” “Yeah, so do you want to do something together?” “Yeah, what do you have in mind?” “Um I don’t know, you pick.” “I don’t know you pick.” “No you can pick.” “Wow we are getting so much done. How about we just go mess around with the computers or the systems?” “Oh didn’t my dad buy a Wii?” “Yeah, why?” “Well lets do that.” “Ok what games do you have? Do you know?” “Actually we only have ‘Smash Bros. Brawl’.” “Oh, well let’s play that.” “Ok then.” We walked in the other room with the flat screen and started to play, and to my surprise I was good at this game. We played for about two hours and then took a break. “Wow Hannah you did pretty well, have you played this before?” “No, just watched people play it. How about you?” “Yeah I used to play it a lot.” We sat there in silence for a moment or too just looking into each other’s eyes, “I kind of want to kiss you.” “I kind of want to too.” Just then Alex closed his eyes and lean in towards me and I leaned in towards him. Then our lips touched, it was so soft and perfect.